Georgia Leads In Entrepreneurial Activity

Last week the Kauffman Foundation released its annual Index of Entrepreneurial Activity. This study is a leading indicatior of new business creation across the United States. The headline was "jobless entrepreneurship" but underneath that were some interesting facts.

Perhaps the most interesting of these was that Georgia, along with Nevada, had the highest entrepreneurial rate in the country. In these states 510 out of every 100,000 people started a company each month in 2010. In Atlanta, 580 people per 100,000 launched a new business each month, second only to Los Angeles. Moreover, over the past decade Georiga led the nation with the largest increase in entrepreneurial activity. While the study is not technology centric these are encouraging stats for a state that has a bit of a startup inferiority complex.

Other interesting facts:

– No surprise but native born white males dominate the entrepreneurial landscape.

– Latino entrepreneurial rates have jumped from 11% in 1996 to 23% in 2010 and index the highest of any race.

– The 20 – 34 age group indexes the lowest on entrepreneurial activity while the 35 – 44 age group is the highest.

– There has been a sharp uptick in less than high school educated entrepreneurs reflecting the current state of unemployment for uneducated workers.

If you care to take a look at the stats yourself download the complete report.

March 15, 2011  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship